Tier 1: Incognito Mode — This might sound like bs but websites can know which websites you previously visited since your browser (Chrome, Firefox, etc.) stores cookies and caches. Incognito mode helps you start a fresh blank page. Or if you want you can just wipe all browsing data every time you finish browsing the web.

Tier 2: Private Search Engine — We all love Google, but unfortunately they store your search data every time you enter something. So yeah they know you googled “furry porn” 20 times today Cool thing is some search engines offer entirely private searching like DuckDuckGo.

Tier 3: Private Browser — Browsers like Chrome and Firefox (untweaked) allow third-party cookies and caches to access the website you are on and they let you access unencrypted websites (unsafe). Private browsers like Brave or the infamous TOR make sure that third-parties cannot access the websites you’re browsing, and also they automatically encrypt all unsafe websites into HTTPS.

Tier 4: MAC Address Changer — A MAC Address identifies your physical device (computer, phone, tablet, etc.) So you might want to download something like TechnitiumMAC to change your MAC Address and make the Internet think you’re browsing with a toaster.

Tier 5: VPN — Yes, all the ads about NordVPN, HotspotShield and Windscribe are annoying af, but a VPN is ESSENTIAL if you want to stay anonymous on the web. They modify your IP Address, which means you are technically browsing the Internet from somewhere that is not your current location – you may live in the US but your IP Address will show that you are in France, for example. Make sure to use a VPN that does not keep any logs, preferably from Sweden since they have strict laws that protect anonymity. Mullvad is a great example. ALWAYS use paid VPN, since free ones keep logs.
Tier 5.5 (Optional): WPD Windows Privacy — Your Windows OS likes to send reports to Microsoft from time to time, but you can prevent that and configure your Windows privacy settings with a free software called WPD. The safer the bettter amirite?

Tier 6: RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol) — A RDP is basically an entirely different virtual computer screen you can control from your own physical computer. The RDP will have it’s own IP and MAC address. Renown RDP services on Cracked are StarkRDP and CrazyRDP. You can then use the RDP (basically a slave) to do all the dirty work by connecting to it with your main computer (master). Once you have a RDP, Windows have a default app called Remote Destop Protocol which you can connect to it. (no idea about Macbooks)

Tier 7: VM (Virtual Machine) — A VM is sort of like a RDP, but without the need of an Internet connection to connect to your secondary screen. Also, you don’t have the benefits of a having a different IP address since it will use the same as your computer’s. Most people use Oracle or VMware to set up their VM machine. You can watch on Youtube how to do that.

Bonus 1: Protonmail — email domains like Gmail, Outlook, Yahoo, etc. are able to see your inbox, so if a legal entity asks for an investigation then they will leak everything. Protonmail is a Swedish email domain that’s encrypted, meaning nobody else can access your inbox except you
Bonus 2: Burner Number — use a disposable number like TextNow to do SMS authentications and callings.
Bonus 3: Disposable Storage — use a disposable USB drive or external disk to store the dirty stuff, since they can be physically hidden and destroyed easily.
Bonus 4: Manage your Passwords — despite being convenient, try to not use your personal password, username, email, etc. for your dirty stuff, since inspectors can affiliate them. Also, try not to save your credentials on your browser and write them somewhere physically if you’re scared to forget them.

You don’t have to do all of this. But I will show you how to combine all these effectively for MAXIMUM ANONYMITY OVERDRIVE.

  1. Activate your VPN, WPD and MAC Address Changer on your main computer.
  2. Set up your Virtual Machine (VM) and open it.
  3. Activate your VPN, WPD and MAC Address Changer on your VM (*note: use a different IP Address and MAC Address than your main computer).
  4. Access your Remote Destop Protocol from your VM
  5. Activate your VPN, WPD and MAC Address Changer on your RDP (this is optional since your RDP already has it’s own ones that are unrelated to you)


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